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Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2 (PCPP2)


Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2 (PCPP2) Exam Voucher

The PCPP2 - Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2 certification (Exam PCPP-32-20x) is a high-stakes professional credential targeted at experienced developers, IT specialists, engineers, software and system architects, and working professionals. It validates expertise in designing, developing, debugging, refactoring, implementing, and maintaining high-quality multi-module systems, tools, and frameworks using Python Standard and non-Standard Library components and related technologies. Key areas covered include implementing design patterns in Python, advanced library modules, SQL and NoSQL database operations, and unit and functional testing frameworks among others​.

The exam requires candidates to have previously passed the PCAP - Certified Associate Python Programmer (Exam PCAP-31-0x) and the PCPP1 - Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (Exam PCPP1-32-10x). The exam itself lasts 65 minutes, includes 45 questions, and has a passing score of 70%. It is available in English and costs USD 195. The certification is valid for a lifetime and can be taken at authorized Pearson VUE Testing Centers or via OnVUE Online Proctoring​.

For the PCPP2 certification exam, topics include creating and distributing packages, design patterns, interprocess communication, Python network programming, and Python-SQL database access. Preparation for this exam is estimated to take around 12 weeks​.

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2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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